What do you think is going on here…? A Strawberry Shortcake lookalike contest? A deep conditioning session? An audition to play one of the little mushrooms in a live-action incredibly Mario Bros. film?

Honestly, one of the best things about babies is dressing them up, haha! — even when the “dressing up” part consists solely of a shower cap.


Hello and delighted ? Caturday, friend! I had one of those mornings today where I groggily opened my eyes, slithered out of bed, ambled down the hall, stumbled down the stairs and made a beeline for the coffee machine.

I’ve had one huge cup already, so I nearly feel human again… Almost.

तिमी के गर्दै छौ?


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

If you feel like browsing the web, here are some things that caught my eye this week.

Damn, back in the day, two of the most powerful women in ? makeup — Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein — sure knew how to throw shade.

You know I love me some Carolina! and if she loves the new Lancôme Matte Shaker liquid Lipsticks, I know I’ll love them too.

Looking for inspiration for your next hairdo? how about leopard-print hair dye? Yes…it’s a thing.

‘Tis a gloriously amusing thing when @sshole cats photobomb pics, especially wedding pics.

Taylor over at My Lucite dreams is always introducing me to new makeup lines, including one I really want to try called ? Red Apple. how pretty is that blush and bronzer?

Paris raves about this liquid foundation by EX1. Being a foundation junkie and all, I’m intrigued!

You may find yourself “ooh-ing” with delight when you see Rae rockin’ these beautiful Burberry lipsticks.

Um…totally not makeup related, but Oreo is releasing salted caramel and coconut versions of their phantasmagorical cookies. तपाईलाई स्वागत छ।

Yup, I’ll probably need one or two or 12 of these YSL Volupte Tint-In-Balms.

Milani is all about highlighting this spring.

I love this: an entire calendar of popular actresses and no ? photo editing whatsoever. photographer Peter Lindbergh calls it “a cry against the terror of perfection.”

What was it really like behind the scenes with Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn? Take a peek behind the appeal curtain in this behind-the-scenes look at old Hollywood.

SO lots of pretty colors in the Marc Jacobs Matte Highlighter Gel Crayon line!

And some videos

Bougie bridal makeup (love the shirt, Andrew!)

Samantha’s favorite full-coverage foundations for oily skin.

Get a natural glow on mature skin with the new MAC next to nothing foundation.

Adia hauls some high-end highlighters, including one of my faves from Tom Ford.

Get a flawless finish without the cake face.

I gotta do a little spring cleaning today, so bluh on that. but after that there’s a skinny lemon bar recipe I’ve been dying to try.


What’s your plan for today? Please tell me it involves a cat (lie to me if you have to).

तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी अपील अडिड,
