I got in some quality “me” time today with the MAC Mariah Carey collection…
Hey, babe! I hope you’re having a terrific weekend so far. I’m mostly taking it easy today, still recovering from the excitement of the past two days and, you know, the getting everything ready, and the cleaning the house. and the eating too much food, of course.

I think I still have a pie hangover… Is that a legit thing? because I feel like I need to drink green smoothies each day for the next 25 years.


I’m also still recovering from that last episode of the Gilmore Girls! I viewed all four of the new ones yesterday (and re-watched them again today), so if you need to talk about them, because I certainly feel like I need to talk about them, hit me up in the comments.

I wonder if Mariah watches Gilmore Girls…
I also sneaked in a couple hours of solo makeup playtime in my office this afternoon because I haven’t done much much more than mascara and my brows because Wednesday. I dove into MAC Mariah Carey, and no, I’m not going anywhere wearing these lashes, haha.

I wish I was…


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

No, actually…I completely don’t. It’s cold and rainy here. I’d much rather just eat leftovers and view Gilmore girls again on the couch.

So I’m wearing the cooler toned quad in these pics (It’s Everything), the coral blush (Sweet sweet Fantasy), Dahhlinggg! Lipstick and Butterfly Bling Lipglass. and lashes, of course — the 05s.

The much more I wear these lashes, BTW, the much more I’m convinced that I need to get a couple much more pairs when the collection comes out on Dec. 8. I really like ’em.

OK, I’m off to re-watch the new Gilmore girls “Spring” episode again. have a terrific night. If you have a minute, say hi in the comments and let me know how you’re doing.

तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी आकर्षण लॉकेट,



पी। एस A Thanksgiving Day feast. I ate all of this…

P.p.s. Well, not all of it…but I ate a lot.

T-Day 2016
Cranberry sauce!
Green beans
Lumpia (they’re like a Filipino egg roll)
Pancit, a Filipino noodle dish
ओह! सखरखण्डा…
Mmm…mashed potatoes…