So…what is the Monday Poll?

उत्कृष्ट प्रश्न! यो यसको नामको विपरित होइन, वास्तविक चुनाव, जस्तै सानो क्लिक बटनको साथ। यो केवल पाँच मध्ये एक धेरै वा कम अनियमित प्रश्नहरूको एक सूची हो जुन विगतको क्वाड्रिलियन वर्षहरूको लागि (200 2007 देखि) को लागी प्रत्येक ब्लगमा पोष्ट गर्दै मलाई तपाईंको उत्तरहरू पढ्न मन पर्छ, र यसले मलाई मेरो हप्तालाई राम्रो सुरुमा लिन मद्दत गर्दछ। नि?

Welcome to the Quarantine edition of the Monday Poll!

1. Are you an vital worker?

In the larger scheme of the pandemic, no. but here at home I’m essential, considering that someone needs to remember to feed all the coworkers! I’m also the main person stopping the youngest human child from going absolutely and completely feral.

2. how lots of drinks have you had considering that the quarantine started?

I’ve had a couple of hard apple ciders with dinner, but I may or may not be *this close* to day-drinking on the daily now.

3. If you have pets/children/other dependents, are they driving you bonkers?

Not quite yet (but close!). Rosie has taken to shredding the painted kitchen doorjamb with her claws, but that’s about it. Connor has been pretty easygoing as long as we stick to our daily schedule. If we deviate from it, though, all bets are off!

4. have you picked up any new hobbies?

Does trying to contact a real live human being at the unemployment office count?

5. any special occasions you’ve missed (or will miss) during the quarantine?

A couple trips and events have been postponed. My daddy also turned 70 this past weekend, so we packed up the 4Runner with our camping chairs, camp table, snacks and drinks, and a portable 5-gallon toilet bucket, and celebrated by driving out to their house in the east Bay for a social distancing backyard birthday party. There were no hugs exchanged, unfortunately, but we got to chat, sing delighted Birthday, and explore their stunning backyard (they have so lots of fruit trees!).

6. What’s your quarantine meal?

All the baked things… It’s funny, I bake a lot more now than I did when I was working at the bakery.

Sunday funday

We’ve been going a little stir crazy lately, so we took to the terrific outdoors yesterday to get some of our wiggles out at one of our favorite hiking spots in Novato, Mt. Burdell. It borders miles and miles of open space, and it’s pretty remote as far as local hiking goes.

We came across a handful of other people, and when we did, everyone was good about staying at least six feet apart, unlike at Target the other day, which was generally a sh*t-show. When I left the store, I was shaking from the anxiety and shock at the rudeness I saw in the store. another pandemic adventure in the books!


Needless to say, I really needed to clear my head and get out of the house for a while, so we hiked, sat in some trees and enjoyed some local wildlife, which included enjoying a group of cows shading themselves near a creek, passing a couple of horses on the trail, enjoying a jackrabbit dashing down the hillside and a pair of deer bounding across a field of tall grass. also a turkey vulture took flight nearly directly over our heads, and IT WAS HUGE.

And the colors! The wildflowers are blooming ideal now, and the lawn is still green from the wintertime and spring rains, so the hills are dotted with bright orange, yellow and purple. It looks like a scene from the opening credit scores of The sound of Music.

If it weren’t for my allergies (achoo!) and ticks and snakes, I’d spin around the hillside every morning.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Have a great Monday, friend. I hope something good happens to you soon.

तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी अपील अडिड,



पी। एस यहाँ एक टिप्पणीमा तपाईंको उत्तरहरूसँग प्रतिलिपि गर्न / टाँस्नका लागि प्रश्नहरू छन्। अब चाँडै बोल्नुहोस्।

1. Are you an vital worker?
2. how lots of drinks have you had considering that the quarantine started?
3. If you have pets/children/other dependents, are they driving you bonkers?
4. have you picked up any new hobbies?
5. any special occasions you’ve missed (or will miss) during the quarantine?
6. What’s your quarantine meal?