using the UD Gwen Stefani collection blush combination as well as Wonderland Lip Pencil as well as Lipstick
I might go on as well as on about my very fangirl crush on Gwen Stefani, however I believe you as well as I have already done that dance before, haven’t we?

Yes, I like her — like her look, like her music, like her makeup, like HER. (Note to self: think about dressing up infant woman as Gwen Stefani next Halloween, as well as try to discover some red plaid infant pants, ASAP.)


Part two of the metropolitan Decay UD Gwen Stefani collection drops on the internet tomorrow, as well as extremely soon at stores as well as counters, so get hold of your L.A.M.B. stilettos (the ones you can barely walk in however like anyways), as well as let’s do this.

The metropolitan Decay UD Gwen Stefani collection
Like she did with the eyeshadow combination from part one of the release, Gwen put together a choice of shades that she stated she’d want to have with her in her makeup bag. I’ve been using the lipsticks as well as blush combination for the past few days, including that two-day birthing class I believe I mentioned, as well as I believe the stunt infant was impressed…

Chillin’ with the frightening stunt baby
Er, well…maybe not.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

So which of these are worth your time?

UD Gwen Stefani Collection blush combination ($45)

The UD Gwen Stefani blush Palette
How great is that packaging for the blush Palette? I certainly believe this is worth considering, however ideally for lighter lords as well as ladies.

In the combination you get two powder blushes (a shimmery great pink as well as a shimmery golden plum), three powder highlighters (a shimmery golden beige, shimmery peachy beige as well as an opalescent peachy pink) as well as a warm matte orangey brown powder bronzer, as well as while I like exactly how soft the powders feel as well as exactly how they last all the time long, a couple of the colors look — exactly how ought to I state this? — a tad wonky.

Packaging for the UD Gwen Stefani blush Palette

I truly can’t see the bronzer (it’s practically my precise skin tone), as well as the great pink blush looks a bit off… I believe it may be as well great for my warm skin tone.

Also, I don’t understand about the peachy pink opalescent highlighter. I believe it makes me look a bit as well much like an additional from Flashdance, which might be a great thing, I guess, if you’re rocking leg warmers as well as an ’80s vibe…

For even much more product shots as well as arm swatches of whatever UD Gwen Stefani, likewise inspect out this publish here: metropolitan Decay UD Gwen Stefani Collection very first look as well as Swatches.

UD Gwen Stefani 714 Lip Pencil as well as Lipstick, together with the Lo-Fi Bronzer, simple blush as well as Angel Highlighter from the blush Palette
As for the other colors, those I feel I can wear, like the plum blush as well as the highlighters, I believe they’re rather flattering. The colors as well as structures are all lovely, however general with this palette, it’s a skin tone thang for me. You’ll get much more out of these six shades if you’re a lighter lovely.

UD Gwen Stefani Lipsticks ($18 each) as well as 24/7 Glide-On Lip Pencils ($20 each)

The eight UD Lipsticks from the metropolitan Decay UD Gwen Stefani collection ($18 each)
As far as I’m aware, all of the Lipstick as well as Lip Pencil shades in the release are new, as well as if you autumn in like with one of the eight Lipsticks, you may likewise want to save space for one of the six creamy Lip Pencils (they’re silky smooth as well as long-wearing).

UD Gwen Stefanil 24/7 Glide-On Lip Pencils ($20 each) from the left: Ex-Girlfriend, Firebird, 714, rock Stead, Wonderland as well as Phone Call
In signature UD form, the Lipsticks are all gloriously soft as well as creamy, which is one of the things I like many about the brand. This, however, implies that they requirement a bit help. Their uncanny creaminess implies that free-handing as well as applying them directly from the tube is difficult, so save yourself the trouble, as well as invest in a matching Lip Pencil where one is available.

UD Gwen Stefani Ex-Girlfriend Lip Pencil as well as Lipstick
I believe of the Lipsticks as belonging to two groups — the sheers as well as the opaques — as well as of the sheers (nude rosy pink Ex-Girlfriend, bright pink Phone phone call as well as deep berry Plaid), I believe the very best one is Ex-Girlfriend, hands down. I’m gonna wear mine down to the nub even though the bullet is damaged (no, seriously, they’re that creamy, so be careful), since it’s one of those truly easily accessible mid-toned nudes that everybody can wear.

The only thing is…be cautious if you currently have a flakyओठको स्थिति, जब मेरो ओठ धेरै सुख्खा हुन्छ भने क्रीमी सूत्रले प्रत्येक फ्लाकको समात्छ।

Lipesticks को नजिकको लिप स्विचहरूको लागि, यस प्रकाशकलाई हेर्नुहोस्: महानगरपालिका UD UD GUWN ISPESTI LIPSTSTS: स्विच!

अपारदर्शी लिपस्टिक समूहको रूपमा … यो रातोमा ध्यान जस्तै हो।

त्यहाँ बिभिन्न पूर्णहरू (Matte, Satine साथै क्रीम) को साथ, साथै त्यहाँ एक पनि एक चीफ क्षेत्र को फायरबर्ड भनिन्छ, किनभने Gwene बाहिर देखा पर्न सक्छ, किनभने Gwn रातो ओठलाई रोक्नका लागि बुझिन्छ, यद्यपि मलाई लाग्छ कि यो यहाँ फिट हुन्छ किनकि मैले पनि यो भन्दा पहिले र colors ्गहरू लगाउँदछु।

अपारसीय शेडहरू समान रूपमा लागू हुन्छन्, यद्यपि मेरो लागि स्ट्यान्डआउट्स चहकिलो रातो Mattits 7114 साथै गाढा गुलाबी रातो रेड इन्डिशल्याण्ड। तिनीहरू समूहको सबैभन्दा pigment र, पूर्व-प्रेमी जस्तै, म तिनीहरूलाई दुवै ठूलो र न्यानो छाला टोन संग राम्रो काम गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।

UD Gwen स्टेफनी संग्रह बाथ पानी गोरा ($ 45) मा बक्स बाकस

BED GWEN SteFani Banew पानी गोरामा
ब्राउज बाकस, जसमा दुई ब्राउको पाउडरहरू, एक मैन समावेश गर्दछ, एक मात्र सानो ब्राउज उपकरणहरू, यो मात्र कुरा हो जुन यो ब्लोन्डको लागि हो।

बुगुट, जहाँसम्म म सुंगरबाट प्राप्त गर्न सक्दछु, म अझै घरको वरिपरि प्रयोग गर्दैछु।

लातका लागि।

BED GWEN SteFani Banew पानी गोरामा
ठीक छ, त्यसैले मैले यूडीको ब्राउक्स उत्पादनहरू पहिले प्रयास गरेको छु, साथै मैले सँधै विश्वास गरेको छु कि तपाईंले पाउडरलाई भर्न अपेक्षा गर्नुभएको मोरले तिनीहरूलाई सेट अप गर्नुहोस्।

तर मैले यसलाई अर्को विधि प्रयोग गरें (मोम पहिलो, त्यसपछि पाउडर दोस्रो) यस सेट र, उम, वाहको साथ। रंग विधि बन्द थियो, निश्चित रूपमा, यद्यपि मोमबाट सुरू गर्दै केही रोचक केहि रोचक भयो। पाउडरले कपालमा धेरै ध्यान दिएर अड्कियो हेरेस र यस्तै केहि। कुनै पनि प्रकारको दरमा, मेरा ब्राउजहरू मोटो हेरे, साथै मैले कम उत्पादनको उपयोग गरें।

यो दिन को एक दिन को लागी एक दिन दिनुहोस् जब म विश्वास गर्दछु तपाइँ तपाइँको बकका लागि केहि थप Bang प्राप्त गर्नुहुन्छ।


सबैले भने, म विश्वास गर्दछु कि उज्यालो संयोजन लाइटरजीको लागि धेरै धेरै राम्रो हुन्छ, तर मँ सम्पूर्ण प्रेमिका, 7114 को साथसाथै चरमल्याण्डको बारेमा छु। ती लिप्सहरू निश्चित रूपमा त्यो यूडी विशेष सॉस छ।

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय आकर्षण अडिग,
