I have what I describe as, “meh”, lashes.  They’re short and wimpy, but they do have a bit of a curl.  I’m forever trying new products to help them grow or make them look fuller.  Now, I’m not one to use hardcore lash growth serums like Latisse or its generic version, Careprost, for fear of the potential side effects (they state that approx 4% of clinical trial patients reported darkening of skin, redness, dry eyes – with my luck, I would be in that 4%).

A couple of years ago, I started using Cargo’s LashActivator Night ($29 for 11ml, select Rexall, online):

Cargo describes it as:

…a revolutionary nighttime elixir clinically proven to stimulate lashes at the lash bed for visibly longer, fuller and more lush lashes. This safe, non-irritating formula shows a 169% improvement over natural growth rates.

Grand claims.  How is this lash “elixir” supposed to work? Cargo lists its features and benefits:
•  Contains Marine Algae extracts which are rich in minerals for soft, nourished lashes.
•  Citrus-derived Flavonoid promotes micro-circulation, necessary to carry vital nutrients to lash roots for optimal growth.

Silicone wand. product is a clear gel.
Each tube has a lifespan of 6 months and I can say that it has helped my lashes, somewhat.  What I’ve mainly noticed is that my lashes don’t fall out as often.  I can’t really speak to whether this has helped with increasing the length of each lash, but not having my lashes fall out as typically has helped them appear fuller. I’ll take that!

Not sure why the safety seal shows “BLACK” when this product is clear. The product is made in Italy.
I don’t really buy the marketing BS about “marine algae” and “mico-circulation”, so I decided to check out the ingredient list a little more closely to see what key ingredients are helping my lashes:

Glycerin. Possibly. Keratin. Perhaps. Castor oil. Ah ha! I think essentially this ingredient is what’s helping my lashes not to fall out. I’ve read many recommendations online about using plain castor oil to help lashes or brows grow. हु! basically I’m paying big bucks to have a neatly packaged castor oil delivery system for my lashes. I’m not sure how I feel about that. It works. It’s fuss-free. but do I really need it? I’ve just opened up my last tube from my stash – I stocked up and bought 3 tubes at a discounted rate after testing it out and noticing my lashes aren’t falling out as much. Now faced with the prospect of paying full price… I may investigate buying a bottle of castor oil instead.

The packaging also calls this product a primer and advises it can be worn under mascara during day time.  Don’t do that!  It will cause your mascara to smear and flake off, this product doesn’t really fully set on the lashes.  In fact, in the mornings I usually wake up with white gummy residue on my lashes from this product – not attractive.

•  helped my lashes to not fall out as much
•  sanitary and convenient applicator

• महँगो
•  inconclusive about claim of helping lash length

स्टेशन लाभास: / 10/10

Do you use any lash growth products?  I’d be interested in ideas from you!

यो साझा गर्नुहोस्:

यसलाई पल गर्न यसलाई ईमेल गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)
Plinate मा साझा गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)

ट्विटरमा साझेदारी गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)
टम्बलरमा साझेदारी गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)

REDDIT मा साझा गर्न क्लिक गर्नुहोस् (नयाँ विन्डोमा खुल्छ)

यो जस्तो:
लोडिंग जस्तै …


Mary Kay haul and review of Lash intensity Mascara and Lash PrimerI have a pal who sells Mary Kay and knows about my makeup addiction – she reads this blog!  So when Mary Kay launched a new, much-raved about mascara, she informed me that I must try it. Of course, I had to place an order. but wouldn’t you know it, the mascara…
July 26, 2016In “Beauty”

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